Home:ALL Converter>Android Studio: "SDK installation does not have the "Extras > Android Support Repository" installed" BUT IT HAS BEEN INSTALLED

Android Studio: "SDK installation does not have the "Extras > Android Support Repository" installed" BUT IT HAS BEEN INSTALLED

Ask Time:2014-05-16T00:06:59         Author:Yoda

Json Formatter

I created Android Project but then I immediately get information that there have been errors.

Warning:(22, 12) Dependency on a support library, but the SDK installation does not have the "Extras > Android Support Repository" installed. Open the SDK manager and install it.

But I installed it, it was installed at the installation of Android Studio. I created another project and it happen again.

enter image description here

Author:Yoda,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23683447/android-studio-sdk-installation-does-not-have-the-extras-android-support-re
Scott Barta :

This is bug https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=68834 and will be fixed in 0.5.9. In the meantime you can ignore the warning.",
Neerkoli :

For me it was a very silly error and I spent the last two days trying to get around this. The path to the SDK in local.properties file was not properly escaped.\n\nChange this:\n\n# Location of the android SDK\nsdk.dir=C:/Android/sdk\n\n\nto this:\n\n# Location of the android SDK\nsdk.dir=C\\:/Android/sdk\n\n\nRefresh the gradle again.",
Nose Programmer :

When you download Android Studio you have 0.5.2 version,There is a solution is to downgrade exactly to 0.5.4 \nand download from here : Android Studio 0.5.4\n\nafter download the file just drag and drop in the place where you installed Android studio 0.5.2",